[Expert Interview] – How to Hire a Virtual Assistant with Christine Ruptash

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  • [Expert Interview] – How to Hire a Virtual Assistant with Christine Ruptash

In this episode of the Savvy Investor Agent™ Exper Interview Series, we interview Christine Ruptash where she shares the secrets to hiring the right Virtual Assistant for you!

It seems as if the more realtors® that enter the industry the more you need to focus on finding clients, generating leads, and working on the money-making activities in your business.

The only issue (which you’ll soon find how to eliminate) is that the non-productive and mundane tasks that are do nothing but eat your time still need to be completed.

So what do you do ….. you Delegate! 

Hiring an assistant may be one of the best investments you make for your business.

And in the world we live in today it has never easier or cheaper to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA), but there are several mistakes that can be made as you try to find a VA that’s compatible with you.

Our guest Christine Ruptash is the co-author of the bestselling book “Secrets of the Canadian Real Estate Cycle” co-founder of Vyral Factory a company that helps its clients optimize their web presence via quality content and superior search-ability so you can focus on your core business: selling properties. In addition, Christine has hired countless Virtual Assistants and will share her experience and insights in this interview.

(due to technical difficulties the video does lag, but the audio is still crystal clear)
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Do you have a Virtual Assistant?

If not, what has stopped you from searching for or hiring your Virtual Assistant? Leave your questions in the comments below.

Tell me about your path — what’s worked, and what hasn’t — with as much detail as possible.

There are agents from all over that read and watch for guidance and what you say is worthy and important and can be the ‘aha’ moment someone really needs.
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